Your Support Makes A Difference

Your donation will help:
- Print and promote The Great Controversy Magazine
- Fund our other soul-winning projects
- Win more souls to Christ
“If there is one work more important than another, it is that of getting our publications before the public, thus leading them to search the Scriptures.”

We know that the Great Controversy Magazine can reach a large class of people in this generation with the vital truths found in the original Great Controversy! It seems everyone in our fast-paced generation is attracted more toward media and literature that is short and attractive to the senses. These magazines are elegant and small, yet full of truth as well as interesting information that make the history come alive. Bible study contacts, young people in the church, your neighbor – all can find this an attractive way to learn more than they may have ever known before.
If you feel that this project has a great potential for winning souls, we invite you to join us financially in the sacrificial journey that has already been in the making for years. You can make a one-time donation here on this page, or if you are looking to obtain a monthly subscription, please visit our Subscription Page at:
Tax-deductible donation
The Daniel Twelve-Three operates as dba of Health Ministry Foundation, Inc., which is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the State of California, USA. It, therefore, accepts donations and issues tax-deductible receipts to US donors.

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Tax-deductible donation
The Daniel Twelve-Three operates as dba of Health Ministry Foundation, Inc., which is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the State of California, USA. It, therefore, accepts donations and issues tax-deductible receipts to US donors.
Your support makes a difference
Paypal Donation
For 1-time donations
Check Donation
For check donations
Make the check payable to:
Daniel Twelve-Three
Memo: Great Controversy Magazine
9060 Shut In Gap Rd.
Spring City, TN 37381
Tax-Deductible Donations
You can make online tax-deductible donations by selecting the “Donate” button below. The donation will be processed by our ministry partner, the Josiah Ministry. Designate “Daniel Twelve-Three” in the list of ministries.
You can also mail a check to our ministry partner, the Josiah Ministry:
The Josiah Ministry
219 Incline Dr
Colfax, CA 95713
Memo: Great Controversy Magazine