Conflict. History. Victory.
The Great Controversy traces the history of the conflict between good and evil in the Christian era, from Jerusalem to the Dark Ages, the Reformation, and up to the end of the world. This conflict affects all of us today as we daily take side either with darkness or with light. This book reveals the unquestionable assurance that good will triumph in the end.

How it works
We want YOU to have the Great Controversy Magazine series! Subscribe today to receive the next chapter mailed to your home or the home of someone you care about each month.
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Magazine Covers
Every chapter contains the complete chapter text of The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White, 1911 edition; 10-point font; images to enhance the reading experience; footnotes; and many other features. Some chapters contain supplements, charts, and maps.

About the project
Adopted by the Daniel Twelve-Three team in 2022 for publishing in the United States, The Great Controversy Magazine Project started in Iloilo City, Philippines in 2017. It was at first merely a set of printable documents for each chapter of the book, until it developed into an actual chapter-by-chapter magazine project.
As it progressed, more and more features were added in to help today’s reader better understand and appreciate the great ancient truths written therein. Today, each chapter-magazine acts as both reading and study material.
About us
We are Daniel Twelve-Three, a group of missionaries committed to reaching souls for Christ around the world! The Great Controversy Magazine is one of several projects managed by the Daniel Twelve-Three team. We use publishing, radio, Bible workers, and other means to promote the Three Angels’ messages as fast as we can. Our work spans several countries — currently including Ethiopia, Kenya, Guatemala, Philippines, and the United States.
For more information about our work, visit www.danieltwelvethree.org